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break; case 'Safari': browserValue = 4; break; case 'Opera': browserValue = 5; break; case 'Edge': browserValue = 6; break; default: browserValue = 7; break; } switch (result.device.type) { case 'mobile': deviceType = 1; break; case 'table': deviceType = 2; break; default: deviceType = 3; break; } deviceVersion = + result.os.version; appVersion = result.browser.version; return { 'osTypeValue': osTypeValue, 'browserValue':browserValue, 'browserName', 'deviceVersion': deviceVersion, 'appVersion': appVersion, 'deviceType': deviceType } } function ComponentHeaderGetQuery() { var query = {}; var search =; var searchSplit = search.split('?'); if (searchSplit[1] !== undefined) { var items = searchSplit[1].split('&'); items.forEach(function (currentItem) { var indexof = currentItem.indexOf("="); query[currentItem.substring(0,indexof)] = currentItem.substring(indexof+1); }); } return query; } function ComponentHeaderCommonObj(ip, userAgent, query) { this.machineNo = ""; this.ipAddress = ip; this.osType = userAgent.osTypeValue; 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